COMM 210 Study Guide - Final Guide: Frederick Herzberg, Job Satisfaction, Autonomic Nervous System

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Motivating with kita: negative kita: fear of what will happen if something is not done. Negative physical kita-> it is a physical attack; it directly stimulates the autonomic nervous system and usually leads to negative feedback from employees. Negative psychological kita-> this has more advantages over physical kita because the cruelty is not visible (the hurting is internal). Those who use this type of kita like managers receive ego satisfaction. If the employee complains, he or she can be accused of being paranoid because there is no tangible evidence of an attack: positive kita: rewards, incentives, seduction to get and employee to move or jump . Do this for me or the company, and in return i will give you a reward, an incentive, more status, a promotion, all the quid pro quos that exist in the industrial organization . **kita is not motivation because we are kicking our employees each time to do something.