RELI 2732 Study Guide - Chinese Art, Spirit Tablet, Feng Shui

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4 strands of influence on chinese religion: indigenous spirits, tripartite world, confucianism emphasis on this life, order, protocol, taoism mythical way of nature, buddhism karma, merit/demerit, how it plays out in the afterlife. Can be buddhist, taoist and confucianist all at the same time. Orthopraxic - proper practice vs orthodoxy which is proper belief. Boundaries between this life and death are porous. Life and death form a continuum there is no break. Community of the living and when you die you join the community of the dead. The dead are under the high ancestor of the dead ie heaven, lord of heaven, jade emperor. The main religious issue is the health and well being of the person in this life and beyond this life. Religious activity is the means by which the person maintains and enhances vitality of all sorts. Salvation is not a central concept; health, vitality, family are more valid spiritual goals.