PSYC 3403- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 62 pages long!)

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Pharmacokinetics: how drugs are handled by the body. In greek (cid:498)pharmacon(cid:499) means drug and (cid:498)kinetikos(cid:499) means putting in motion: pharmacokinetics the time course of a particular drug"s actions. Sept 6, 2017 the study of time dependency: absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination, the graph, cmax = the maximum concentration. Every drug has a maximum concentration: therapeutic range the range at which the medicine will work. Above that range, you are in the toxicity level (you"re doing more harm than good). The therapeutic range is different for each person. They wouldn"t let a company put a drug out if the therapeutic range was so low. You can"t have a drug that one pill works, but two kills you. Administration: enteral, oral administration (mouth, must be g1 resistant. You don"t want the medicine to get destroyed before it reaches your blood: liquid vs. tablet/capsule. Liquid moves to your blood more rapidly: passive diffusion, lipid solubility.