LAWS 1000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Legal Clinic, Duty Counsel, Minority Language

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15 Jul 2014

Document Summary

11. dror believes that law shapes society: through planning and disturbance, indirectly and directly, formally and informally, none of the above. 12. mayhew believes that law shapes society: substantively and procedurally, formally and informally, directly and indirectly, through planning and disturbance. 13. friedman believes that law shapes society: substantively and procedurally, formally and informally, directly and indirectly, through planning and disruption. 17. max weber believed in three types of legitimate authority. 18. the power to sanction is held exclusively by 19. levine believes law"s ability to produce social change is not: traditional, charismatic, rationalistic, rational-legal, state, individual, community, none of the above, probabilistic, contingent, sequential, frequent. 20. devlin argues that morality is: shared by society, held by individual, shared by community, none of the above, reliable evidence, precise issues, the community, elected officials, police enforcement, the judiciary, none of the above. 23. what are the two types of social control: economic factors, psychological factors, cultural factors, political factors, formal, informal, internal, external, forced, consensual, none of the above.