[GINS 1000] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 46 pages long Study Guide!

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Document Summary

To shape the future must understand the past, mistakes and successes. How did the world become what it is. Understand the differences and why countries were created. Gives a better orientation of where you came from. History is how we make sense of what has happened. Evidence based: to know who we are and what happened, prepare to live in the world, attaining global cultural literacy. Determining causality and consequence: examining multiple perspectives. Course progression: the first global age (c. 1450 - c. 1750 ce, the meta-revolutionary age (c. 1750 - c. 1900 ce, the modern age (c. 1900 -c. 2000) To know who we are and what happened. History is how we make sense of the past evidence based (to avoid confusion or unclarified stories) Distinction between the global and the international . Global - a world without distinct borders, looking at the world as a whole, intangible. International - nation states, makes space for the transnational.