BIOL 1902 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Abies Balsamea, Pennaceous Feather, Ecdysone

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Natural history midterm notes- doc 3 of 7. As they grow, insects produce moulting hormones(ecdysone), then juvenile hormones larva 1st stage = mh/jh --larva 2nd stage= mh/jh pupa= mh adult =mh. Moulting hormones = insects mature. eventually lose juvenile hormone= animals become adults plant mimics this; has mh inside them= pyto ecdysones= insect bites in = matures too quickly and dies (too much mh = premature death) Balsam fir contains phyto juvenile hormone animal/ caterpillar bites in= never matures/ grows/reproduces. Reproductive hormones mess up an animal"s reproductive system = unable to reproduce. Phytotoxins migrate under the skin, and cause: sunburns, sores, eventual death ex. Mustards (glycosylates) = aposematic odours = chemical defence. Ripe= turn blue, consumed, animals digest, excrete= seed disperses for more blueberries. Animals like moose/fox: grow more hair-- guard hairs grow longer and thicker in winter, dense underfur traps body heat.