ANTH 1001 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Folklorama, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Essentialism

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15 Mar 2014

Document Summary

Herder"s definition of society: talks about herder"s definition of society, what does society mean, argues that society is an integrated social union, it is not unlike a family. Everyone has a role within society: the idea of society responds to every human"s need for some sort of connection with those around them. Our need for interdependence: the key thing that herder says about society is that society is not an abstract concept. It does not exist at the level of government discourse or in a philosophical way. Not socially constructed: argues that society is a very concrete idea. He argues that it is in our nature to belong to a society. It is in our nature that we need to belong: no difference between us and the people that surround us, herder argues that society is a natural, concrete thing. Immigration: herder overlooks that there are nations that exist that do not have a distinct language.