PSYC 1F90 Final: Semester-2-Exam-Study-Questions

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Be able to explain the complexiies associated with the deiniion. List all the steps involved in geing registered as a psychologist in the province of ontario. Diferent types of psychologists and what they do. Two psychological principles that might parially account for human behaviour. Describe two types of conformity together with supporing research indings and example of each. Describe the method and indings of milgram"s (1963) Orne and evans" (1965) findings concerning obedience when one"s own or someone else"s safety is at risk. Compare burger"s (2009) study of obedience with milgram"s. In doing so, briely describe burger"s method and indings. Personal distance can be used to communicate inimacy, but also to communicate power. What is the relaion of diferent types of atribuion to: poliical ideologies, sympathy and charitable behaviour. Describe fesinger"s explanaion of how cogniive dissonance leads to aitude change.