MGMT1135 Study Guide - Final Guide: Decision-Making

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7 Dec 2020

Document Summary

This form offers a basis for the homogeneous categorising of activities given that each process requires different skills. Orders are formulated at the top and passed down (authority) No provisions for coordination or communication between units (only between commanding officers) The degree to which decision making is concentrated at a single point in the organisation. Top managers make all the decisions and lower-level managers merely carry out their directives. Decision making is pushed down to the managers closest to the action or even to work groups. Explicit rules, regulations, policies, and procedures govern organizational activities. Formal rules, procedures, position descriptions, and job classifications specify how decisions should be made and work performed. Having fewer departments (low horizontal differentiation) but many more hierarchical levels (high vertical differentiation) Spread out over many departments a high degree of horizontal differentiation. With few hierarchical levels (low vertical differentiation) Differentiation by specialization often referred to as departmentalization.