IMED3001 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Aortic Stenosis, Heart Sounds, Valvular Heart Disease

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Narrowing with failure to open completely thereby impeding forward flow. Failure to close properly thereby allowing reversed flow. More than one valve may be involved. May be detected clinically as abnormal heart sounds or murmurs. Valvular stenosis generally leads to pressure overload of the heart. Valvular insufficiency generally leads to volume overload of the heart. Injury to endocardium can occur due to high speed jets of blood due to ejection through narrowed valves. The incompetence of a valve due to an abnormality in one of its supporting structures, rather than a primary valve defect. E. g. dilation of right or left ventricle may pull the papillary muscles downwards and outwards. Preventing the closure of otherwise normal valve leaflets. Functional mv regurgitation (mr) particularly common in ihd and dilated cardiomyopathy (dcm) Acquired stenosis of aortic and mitral valves account for approximately two thirds of all cases of valve disease. Abnormalities of leaflets and commissures mitral valve prolapse,