IMED1003 Study Guide - Final Guide: Reversible Reaction, Airco Dh.2, Glycogen

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23 Jun 2018
IMED1003 Final Revision Notes 3
LECTURE 10: FA OXIDATION - see full notes for more details
- FA and glycerol = ESTER bond!
- FA oxidation = triglyceride -> acetyl CoA !
-Triglyceride go through lipolysis: triglyceride -> FFA –(beta-oxidation) -> Acetyl CoA!
-Fatty acid chain assumed to be even number (18C)!
-Phase 1: FA + CoA -> activated!
-Phase 3: in mitochondria (2C removed at a time)!
-Since 18/2=9 thus 9 Acetyl CoA!
-Fatty acyl CoA cannot cross membrane, has to bind to cartinine!!!!
Beta Oxidation:!
-2 C units removed from COOH (carboxyl) end!
-Release acetyl CoA each time until left 4C!
-@ last cleavage, twins of C become Acetyl CoA!
Net Production of Energy via FA oxidation SUMMARY:!
-8 FADH2 and NADH: because we have 4C thus 2 acetyl CoA released!
-Higher tissue weight due to water!
-When there’s carnitine transport deficiencies, it means cannot get FA into matrix in
mitochondria thus cannot process!!!!
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Document Summary

Lecture 10: fa oxidation - see full notes for more details. Fa oxidation = triglyceride -> acetyl coa. Triglyceride go through lipolysis: triglyceride -> ffa (beta-oxidation) -> acetyl coa. Fatty acid chain assumed to be even number (18c) Phase 1: fa + coa -> activated. Phase 3: in mitochondria (2c removed at a time) Fatty acyl coa cannot cross membrane, has to bind to cartinine!! 2 c units removed from cooh (carboxyl) end. Release acetyl coa each time until left 4c. @ last cleavage, twins of c become acetyl coa. Net production of energy via fa oxidation summary: 8 fadh2 and nadh: because we have 4c thus 2 acetyl coa released. When there"s carnitine transport de ciencies, it means cannot get fa into matrix in mitochondria thus cannot process!! Repeat cycle until 4c, then release 2 acetyl coa. Fadh2 enter matrix of mito = etc! Nadh enter matrix of mito = etc!!