ANHB2214 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Heart Valve, Aorta, Proteoglycan

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Cardiovascular System:
o Epithelium lining the vascular system
o Simple squamous epithelium with flattened nuclei
o Selectively permeable layer
o Non-thrombogenic layer
o Functions
Modulate blood flow and vascular resistance
Work with immune cells
Synthesize chemical messengers
Oxidize lipoproteins
Affect relaxation and contraction of smooth muscle cells in
tunica media
Cardiac muscle
o Central nucleus
o Striations
o Intercalated discs irregular arrangement
Fascia adherens holds muscle cells end to end
Gap junctions allows transmission of ions between cells
o Cardiac muscle is thicker in the ventricles than atria have more
distance to pump blood
o 2 types of cardiac muscle cells
Contractile cells
Impulse generating/conducting cells
The heart
o Muscular organ that contracts rhythmically, pumping blood
through the circulatory system
o Endocardium
Homologous with tunica intima of blood vessels
Single layer of squamous endothelial cells
Rests on a thin subendothelial layer of loose connective
Subendothelial cartilage between endocardium and
myocardium contains veins, nerves, Purkinje fibers
o Myocardium
Thickest of the tunics
Consists of cardiac muscle cells arranged in layers
o Epicardium
Serous covering of the heart
Forms visceral layer of pericardium
Externally covered by simple squamous epithelium
supported by a thin layer of connective tissue
Subepicardial layer contains veins, nerves and nerve
Adipose tissue that surrounds heart accumulates here
o Fibrous skeleton
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Composed of dense connective tissue with thick collagen
Insertion point of cardiac muscle
Dense connective tissue
Separating atria and ventricles
o Heart valves
Stops backflow of blood during contraction of atria and
Either separate atria and ventricles or ventricles and blood
Central core fibrosa strongest component joins with
fibrous skeleton
Spongiosa thin layer, elastic, dampens force of vibration
of heart beat
Ventricularis adjacent to ventricular space, continuous
with chordae tendinae, dense connective tissue
Impulse generating system of the heart
o SA node
Pacemaker of the heart
Located close to superior vena cava, in right atrium
o Atrioventricular Bundle of His
Purkinje cells
Penetrate fibrous skeleton
Divide into right and left atrioventricular bundles
o Impulse generating cardiac muscle cells have a greater diameter
than normal cardiac muscle cells
o Stimulus for ventricular contraction moves from apex to base
Types of circulation
o Pulmonary circulation right atrium and ventricle
o Systemic circulation left atrium and ventricle
o Portal system
Liver hepatic portal system
Pituitary gland hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal system
General structure of blood vessels
o Tunica intima
Layer of endothelial cells lining the vessel’s interior surface
Cells rest on a basal lamina
Beneath endothelium subendothelial layer loose
connective tissue and smooth muscle arranged
o Tunica media
Concentric layers of helically arranged smooth muscle cells
Interposed amongst smooth muscle cells are elastic fibers,
collagen fibers and proteoglycans
Media is separated from the intima by the internal elastic
Media is separated from the adventitia by the external
elastic lamina
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