SPTH1001 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pragmatics, Pronoun, Child Development

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Document Summary

No need to know cranial nerves for this exam - no direct question on icf. Brief scenario with short answer questions- diff weights. Assessment: child development, phonology, browns grammatical morphemes, normal development, stages of child delopment, mlu = syntactic development, ttr- lexical diversity terminology morphology etc, early middle late 8 sounds, babbling. Language ax & analysis standardised and non standardised, analysis & measures, pragmatics (incl. narrative development: celf p2. Pls 4: non standard lang sampling and then mlu, ttr, word categories types of words expected first and then how. Anatomy & physiology, categories of hl, types of hl, impact on specific populations. Hearing impacts on ability to discern both speech and language. Otiss media common form of hearing loss impacts speech and language. Importance of nose blowing development yes structures of ear important. Born with it nerve or born with it sensory neural hearing loss or conductive hearing loss: speech ax & analysis standardised & non standardised, analysis & measures.