
Writing a Paragraph
Select one of the following topic sentences and, on separate paper in Word, write a paragraph based on it.
Afterwards, click upload your paragraph(6-9 sentences) and submit.
The topics are:
1. I made that argument at the time, but if I had a second chance, I wouldn't repeat it.
2. It was the worst piece of news l ever had to deliver.
3. I confronted authority and learned from the experience.
4. It was an act of generosity I will never forget.
5. Sometimes there are good reasons for lying.
6. Alcohol addiction has physical, social, and vocational effects.
7. There are several ways to show affection.
8. The job didn't pay well, but it provided me with a good education in balancing my budget, managing my time, and dealing with the public.
9. Homeless people are in their situation for different reasons.
I have attached a reminder of how to write a paragraph

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