
English Grade 9

Answer the question below following with the video: 

Video LInk:

The Future of Work

In this video, you will see one interpretation of what work will be like in the future.

Will our Children be Ready?

The video demonstrates that many jobs typically done by people will become automated and completed by artificial intelligence in the future. The end of the video asks the question, "Will our children be ready?". 

  1. What is your answer to this question?
  2. The video did not offer any suggestions of which skills students should have going into this future. In your opinion, what skills do you think students need to have in order to be successful in that future?
  3. Think about how the video was crafted. What observations can you make about the video quality and how it expresses its meaning? Do you find it effective? Why or why not?

Think carefully about the questions being asked of you in this first task. There are no right or wrong answers, just what you think and why you think it. Get comfortable with the idea that what you say is important and that your voice matters.

If you need some other ideas to consider, think about the following:

  • Why do you think the director chose not to include any people in the video?
  • Would the video be more or less effective if it did include people?

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