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Answer: Yeah, India is a democratic country.Step-by-step explanation: India is...
Answer: Ecosystem have 2 components.Step-by-step explanation:2 components of e...
Answer: 1.11 hours.Step-by-step explanation:Time = Distance / speed T = 95/85 ...
Answer: Hydrogen and oxygen .
Answer: Cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all life forms.Ste...
Answer: 75 kmph Step-by-step explanation:Avg. Speed =Total distance/Total time...
Answer: During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (...
Answer: Solar System[c] is the gravitationally bound system of the Sun and the...
Answer: The moon's gravity is 1/6th of the gravity of earth.
Answer: Sodium bicarbonate is known as baking soda.
Answer: D(sodium bicarbonate)
Answer: C Step-by-step explanation: The ozone hole is not technically a “hole”...
Answer : A Step-by-step explanation: pollination is a process in which pollen ...
Answer:D(soil). Plant's absorb nutrients through their roots from the soil.
Answer: Diapedesis is a process in which white blood cells come out of blood v...
Answer: Hydrogen sulfide.
Answer: Chemical name of rust is "Ferric oxide or Iron oxide". The chemical fo...

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