


University of British Columbia - Okanagan

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Answer: Rocks are melted
Answer: A.
Answer: Second person
Answer: Onto the carpet
Answer: Water should not be wasted
Answer: Is a limited resources
Answer: A-stratum corneum- has dead cells filled with keratinB-stratum granulo...
Answer: Water 75mlTotal level of water plus object 107mlStep-by-step explanati...
Answer: GreatStep-by-step explanation:Discuss
Easy Money
Jacob was feeling really good! He had just agreed to babysit his neighbor's twin boys for a few weeks during the summer. They were five years old and seemed like nice kids. He had seen them playing in their sandbox, climbing the tree, and monkeying around on their play structure. He thought it would be fun to play with them. He was pretty sure that this would be easy money.
The next day Jacob spent a couple of hours at the neighbor's house so he could get to know the boys. Pam, their mom, was home and checked in with Jacob every once in a while to make sure everything was ok. She told him that the twins were nice boys, but could be a bit of a handful. The twins seemed happy to play with an older boy. Even though they were shy at first, everyone had a good time.
The next day. Jacob returned to the house to take care of the twins. This time, he was on his own. They played in the yard, wrestled, climbed all over the play structure, and played basketball. There were a couple of times when the boys didn't listen to dacob, but overall, everything was fine. Jacob wasn't too worried about this job.
On the third day, Jacob and the bays rode their bikes around the black. One of the boys pitched a fit when Jacob told him not to cross the street. It was embarrassing to be seen in his neighborhood with a screaming kid. Jacob was also scared to think what might happen if the boys didn't listen to him about things like this. He was starting to question whether this really was easy money.
By the end of the week, Jacob was happy that he had earned some money to put towards a new skateboard, but he was confused. He didn't know how to make these boys respond to him. They-were constantly acting out. He wanted to be their friend, but he also wanted to make sure that they were safe and well behaved. As he was walking home one night, he had a brilliant idea Maybe if he found a creative way to remind the twins of the rules, they would listen better. On his way to their house the next day, he made up a song:
"Twins plus one
Are lots of fun.
Wè like to play together.
We ride our bikes,
We climb and hike
But always work together."
Jacob couldn't wait to see what the twins thought af his new song.
1. This story is mostly about:
◯ how crossing the street is very dangerous
◯ how twin boys are frustrating and energetic
◯ Jacob finding out that babysitting isn't easy
Answer: Jacob finding out that babysitting isn't easy

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