


avacado11napDuke University

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Project Management1Calculus8Mathematics2
Answer:dimensions of the rectangular prism are x = 5, y = 6 and z = 3. Step-by...
Answer: total surface area of a rectangular box of dimensions 3 x 4 x 5 open a...
Answer:So the box with maximum volume with a total surface area of 676 cm^2 is...
Answer:So the box with maximum volume with a total surface area of 100 is a bo...
Answer:salt concentration in the tank is 11092g / 1700L = 6.5 g/L Step-by-step...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation: In performing an External Factor Evaluation ...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation: a) To set up and solve the differential equa...
Answer:20.8 g/L Step-by-step explanation: a) To set up and solve the different...
Answer: Hence the maximum volume of the box is 6m^3 with the dimensions of (√(...
Answer:the minimum surface area of the box with a volume of 16 ft^3 is 48 sq.f...
Answer:8.5 g/L Step-by-step explanation: This is a classic tank problem in con...

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