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History31Law1English15Astronomy8Business3Marketing3Science7Sociology1Geography10Psychology2Information Technology1Algebra14Precalculus1Computer Science4Accounting3Calculus10Biology2Mathematics1Physics4Finance1Chemistry8
Answer: The simplest and most direct assay method for protein concentration de...
Answer: The legal status of transgender (trans) people is in constant flux. Ov...
Answer: B) devapalaDevapala was the third ruler of the Pala dynasty which was ...
Answer: Module 1Course content will include important theoretical models of hu...
Answer:B) Gopala King Gopala who ruled from 750 A.D. to 770A.D. was the founde...
Answer: B) kolarThe earliest capital of the Gangas was located near Kolar. The...
Answer: C)prithivisena 2Prithivisena II had to face the invasion of Harisena o...
Answer: D) 1,2,3,&4During the Gupta period local trade was mostly confined...
Answer: A) charaka Charaka is called 'Father of Ayurveda'. In his book 'Charak...
Answer: B) persianMost scholars agree that Mauryan art was influenced by Greek...
Answer: A) They collected taxesStep-by-step explanation:The districts in the M...
Answer: D) 1,2,3During the Mauryan period the state-run textile workshops were...
Answer: B) gopati or gopa
Answer: B)chhandogya upanishad The first three ashramas Brahmacharya, Garhasth...
Answer: C) both 1 & 2
Answer: A) Hinduism
Answer: B) chandragupta mauryaStep-by-step explanation:In return, Maurya hande...
Answer: D) Pillar Edict VI Dhamma policy of the State (welfare of the people).
Answer: Sexual desire is an emotion and motivational state characterized by an...
Answer: a)Therefore, during each run the NaOH concentration remains constant a...
Answer:Pluto's very large moon, Charon, is almost half the size of Pluto. Char...
Answer: Sialkot.. The famous Indo-Greek, Menander I (165/155–130 BCE) set up h...
Answer: Light itself takes 4.6 hours to travel from the Earth to Pluto. If you...
Answer: The sun weighs about 300,000 as much as the earth, so if the time were...
Answer: Rainfall produces four types of soil erosion: splash erosion, sheet er...
Answer: C)20Step-by-step explanation: The 10 Yamas are Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya (...
Answer: C)peshawarStep-by-step explanation:Its ruins are located on the outski...
Answer: C)bimbisara
Answer: D) 1,2,3
Answer: B) redemption from suffering Step-by-step explanation:As expressed in ...
Answer: B) only 1,2,4
Answer: Red stoneStep-by-step explanation: The Mathura School of Art The stone...
Answer Section 14 of Civil Disobedience, Thoreau expresses the sentiment that ...
Answer: When the ball is dropped, potential energy changes to kinetic energy. ...
Answer: Total 12 atoms Zinc 2atoms Sulphur 2atoms Oxygen 8atoms
Answer: The presidency of Joseph Estrada, also known as the Estrada administra...
Answer: Republic Act No 9163, also known as the “National Service Training Pro...
Answer: Step-by-step explanations: add +1/4−1/4 we have : y=x+√x+1/4−1/4 then ...
Answer: Physical activity or exercise can improve your health and reduce the r...
Answer: The length of the Brahmaputra Plain is 720 kilometers and it is about ...

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