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"Dream what you want to dream, go where you want go, be what you want to be, because you only have one life and one chance to do all things you want to do :))"




History118English1Computer Science1Biology1
Answer: Information you need in the link: explanation:
Answer: Information you need in the link: explanation:
Answer:Hero of Battle of New Orleans, Leader of new Democratic Party, liked by...
Answer:After the civil war, the federal government began to extend civil right...
Answer: Income, Employment and Class
Answer:Short sentences used throughout the passage imitate the startling haste...
Answer:Essays published in New York newspapers over course of 2 years (1787-17...
Answer: Information you need: explanation:
Answer:Wrote The Influence of Sea Power upon History, which argued that contro...
Answer: It can be a question you want to know: How did geography spur industri...
Answer:The hierarchical scale is mostly used in fine arts and paintings. It is...
Answer: You can find it in the link: explanation:
Answer:16 president of the United States, he promoted equal rights for African...
Answer:An agency created by the government that helped and protected newly fre...
Answer:The Sumerians believed gods and goddesses owned the cities
Answer:A house where immigrants came to live upon entering the U.S. At Settlem...
Answer:The act of coercing someone into government service, i.e., British prac...
Answer:A liberal would most likely support an expansion in governmental social...
Answer:Enslaved persons who escape must be given constitutional rights.
Answer:Woodrow Wilson's proposal to ensure peace after World War I called for ...
Answer:Congressional Reconstruction. The Mississippi and South Carolina Black ...
Answer:DNA is a helix.
Answer:A form of democracy in which the people themselves, rather than elected...
Answer: Information you need in the link: explanation:
Answer:Authority granted by congress to President Johnson in 1964 to approve a...
Answer: Information that you need: explanation:
Answer:Civil Rights activists who traveled across the South on a crusade to en...
Answer:There were three major problems or the challenges faced in building the...
Answer:The legend of the discovery of coffee relates to Kaldi and his dancing ...
Answer: American & National Identity (NAT) Politics & Power (POL) Work...
Answer:The process of developing industries that use machines to produce goods...
Answer:Led by Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner. Wanted to disenfranchise la...
Answer:Steady surface temperature increases were noted between the 1970s and 9...
Answer:1). The winner take all System,2). Public financing rules for president...
Answer:Horatio Alger wrote a series of dime novels that often features a poor ...
Answer:FDR, Churchill, and Stalin met at Yalta. Russia agreed to declare war o...
Answer:Ronald Reagan push believed in tax cuts and less government spending; c...
Answer:James Madison was a founding father of the United States and the fourth...
Answer:It answers the question: What bargain did many Americans suspect had be...

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