


amxielfamenial1Bicol University

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Answer:It ensures safety during the process of detox as everything is done und...
Answer:A. putting smoke into the air
Answer: A. . This is a naturally occurring process.
Answer: C. zoos find good mates that can reproduce
Answer: B. Photosynthesis
Answer: He was unconscious for 2 days.
Answer: 1. The use of robots has made the manufacturing process more thrifty. ...
Answer: D. Detergents
Answer: He feels the story must be told.
Answer:Jessica lives in a _______ sector economy _______ could be one of the m...
Answer:A passage near the pole
Answer: B. Quebec

Replace the common nouns shown in boldface with proper nouns

Chapter 1 Grammar 
Lesson 1.1 Common and Proper Nouns
Common nouns name people, places, things, and lidecs.
People: driver, musician, brother, pediatrician, firefighter
Places: tunnel, courthouse, zoo, backyard. desert, bedroom
Things: desk, helicopter, dictionary, microphone, pine tree
Ideas: nervousness, environmentalism justice, religion
Proper nouns name specific people, places, and things. Proper nouns are capitalized. For proper nouns that consist of more than one word, capitalize the first letter of each important word.
People: Aunt Lucy, General Eisenhower. Juan, Ms. Braga
Places: New Mexico, People's Republic of China, Lake Michigan
Things: Eiffel Tower, Baja BII's Burritos, Declaration of Independence
Ideas: Hinduism, Marxism
Rewrite it
Rewrite each sentence below. Replace the common nouns shown in boldface with proper nouns.
1. I went to visit my aunt in the city last summer.
2. On a certain day of the week, we took a taxi to the museum, where the works of an artist were being exhibited.
3. We stopped at the street where the museum was located and paid our fare.
4. As we exited the cab, 1 spotted the tallest building in the city.
5. Inside the museum, I realized I had left my smart phone in the taxil
6. We spoke with the security guard, and he was kind enough to call the cab company.
7. As we waited. I took a moment to admire a specific religion's tapestry.
8. At last, we were told the cab driver had my phone, but he was now in a suburb of the city.
9. We arranged to meet him at a restaurant later in the day, and l got my phone back.
Answer: 1. I went to visit my aunt in New York City last summer. 2. On Monday,...
Answer: 1. A. General, B. Specific 2. A. Specific, B. General 3. A. General, B...

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