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1. Use the following definitions and phrases to describe to which molecules of life and their subunits it belongs:

a. Energy-storing molecule, typically water soluble - b. Subunits are called monosaccharides – c. Used to speed chemical reactions - d. Subunits are joined to each other with peptide bonds - e. Most prevalent molecule in cell membranes - f. Some of them function as hormones - g. Used for storing, transmitting, and executing genetic information - h. Subunits are nucleotides

2. Weak hydrogen bonds between water molecules are responsible for the many properties of water. Acidity is expressed as pH. Buffers stabilize pH. a. What characteristics of water molecule makes it polar? Provide two examples why this property is important in microbiology. b. What is the role of buffers in living organisms, including microbes? c. What must be added to pure water to decrease OH- and/or H+ concentration, respectively

3. Carbohydrates serve as storage molecules and structural material. Lipids are hydrophobic molecules; phospholipids are main component of cell membranes. Protein has a complex structure based on identity and sequence of amino acids. Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) are genetic station of storage information and for synthesis of proteins. ATP serve as the main energy source in the living cell. a. Name the subunits (building blocks) of carbs, simple lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids b. What level of protein structure is described as an alpha helix? c. If DNA is placed in boiling water, what and how the molecule would change?

Answer: monosaccarides

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