


Bulacan State University

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Answer: 374.12 cm^2 Step-by-step explanation: Formula for area of hexagon : A ...
Answer: $3675 Step-by-step explanation:Area of triangle : A = 1/2 b*h A = 14ft...
Answer: 20 inches. Step-by-step explanation:formula of Perimeter of Pentagon: ...
Answer: $4 each book. Step-by-step explanation:$24 divide by 6 books.
Answer: 786 cm. Step-by-step explanation:formula of area of square: A = s^2 s ...
Answer: 1609.34 meters Step-by-step explanation:1 mile = 1609.34 meters
Answer: 1609.34 meters Step-by-step explanation:1 mile = 1609.34 meters
Answer: 210 minutes Step-by-step explanation:60 minutes = 1 hr 60 x 3 = 180 mi...
Answer: 9, 668 Step-by-step explanation:8 thousand = 8000 15 hundreds = 1500 1...
Answer: The largest digit used in Hindu Arabic number system is nine "9".
Answer: x= -3.5 Step-by-step explanation:Distribute those constants outside th...
Answer: f(x) = 14 Step-by-step explanation:Substitute the value of x in the eq...
Answer: x= 4 divide both sides by 2 to eliminate the constant 2 at the left si...
Answer: First you have to know what is the unknown. Next is gather the given d...
Answer: 1. 250 g = 0.25kg 2. 35 l = 35 000 ml 3. 45 ml = 0.03556 m = 3.56 cm c...
Answer: There are 4 types of Chemical bonds in Biology; Ionic, Covalent, Hydro...

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