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Answer: Given formula of oxide MOStep-by-step explanation: 1. First we will fi...
Answer: Dry ice is solid carbon dioxideStep-by-step explanation:1 .In Dry ice ...
Answer:Tin oxide formula is SnO2
Answer: Chemical formula of Ozone is O3
Answer We write number in order of digits to their place values from left to r...
1) Thermodynamics shows that in any spontaneous change there is an overall inc...
The order from smallest to largest ----- 1 water molecules 2 E colii. bacteria...
Charge on the rod is given by the formula Q = Ne Here N =6.25×10^18 electrons ...
Centripetal Acceleration a= v^2/r. Given V=12m/s, r=50m so a=12×12/500 a=144/5...
A die has 6 numbers written on its 6 faces when the die rolles the probability...
x=3(x+3)+2(2x+6) x=3x+9+4x+12 x=3x+4x+9+12 x=7x+21 (transfer 7x to left side) ...
Delta --- It has different meanings 1.In Geography , Delta is an area of flat ...
Speed of light (C) = Distance/Time Distance=11.77km = 11.77×10^3m =11770m Time...
Answer Work done = Kinetic Energy= 1/2 mv^2 so velocity of the box will be V =...
Answer: Specific heat capacity of ice is 2090 j /kg-c
Answer: Specific heat capacity ----It the amount of heat that is required to r...
Molar heat capacity at constant pressure is CP and molar heat capacity at cons...
Q10. Displacement--- ∆x=v.∆t so I =2×2=4m ii = 3×2= 6m iii = -3×2= -6m So in d...
Centripetal Acceleration---When a body moves in a circular motion its velocity...
CO2 is a gas known as chemical name by carbon dioxide.This gas comes into atmo...
co2 is a gas whose chemical name is carbondioxide.It is a natural Green House ...

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