23 Nov 2019

Considers Thompson’s 2nd experimental measurement of e/m.Thankfully, legions of physicists have already figured out for youthe exact value of e/m.
a) Knowing that, if I were to give you a cathode-ray-tube, wherethe length of the deflection plates were 1 cm, and the distancefrom the end of the deflection plates to the phosphorescent screenwas 20 cm, and your electric field strength was E=10 kV/cm (1MV/m), and the strength of your magnetic field was B=0.01 T, whatis the magnitude of the deflection you could expect at thescreen?
b) If you have a good month and don’t spend too much money onITunes or at Starbucks, you could go to Magnets R’ Us and buy abetter magnet, say one that has a strength of B=1 T. If you kepteverything else the same with your cathode-ray-tube and used thenew magnet, what would the deflection of the electron beam be?

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
29 May 2019
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