
At the current market equilibrium, the price of a good equals $40, and the quantity equals 10 units. At this equilibrium, the price elasticity of supply is 2.0. Assume that the supply curve is linear.

a. Use the price elasticity and market equilibrium to find the supply curve (Hint: the supply curve has the following form: q = a + (dq/dp)p. First, find the value of dq/dp; then, find the value of a.

b. Calculate the producer surplus in the market.

c. Imagine that a policy results in the price falling from $40 to $30. By how much does producer surplus fall?

d. What fraction of the lost producer surplus is due to the reduction in the quantity supplied, and what fraction is due to the fall in price received per unit sold?

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Retselisitsoe Pokothoane
Retselisitsoe PokothoaneLv10
28 Sep 2019
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