11 Dec 2019

Table 2:

brand name of vitamin tablet: Equate / Ultra formula Multivitamin (10 mg +iron/tablet)

mass on tablet: 1.45 g

mass of crushed tablet: 0.2g

Table 3:

mass on weighing vial + (FeSO4 X 7H2O) : 6.17 g

mass of weighing vial after emptying salt: 6.03g

mass of (FeSO4 X 7H2O) transferred: 0.10 g

volume on solution made: 100 mL

Table 4:

wavelength : 511 nm

Absorption, test tube 2 : 1.619 A

Absorption, test tube 3 : 1.560 A

Absorption, test tube 4 : 1.489 A

Absorption, test tube 5 : 1.460 A

Absorption, test tube 6 : 1.535 A


3. plot absorbances versus iron (II) concentration for your five standard concentrations (i.e a graph like figure 2d). Add a line of best fit (i.e a trend line) and provide the equation for the line and the R^2 value (display graph or write below graph) your slope should have at least three significant figures nad your intercept should have at least three decimal places.

4. use your line of best fit to determine the concentration of iron (II) in the solution in test tube 6 (the vitamin solution) in units of milligrams per litre. determine the concentration of iron (II) in the 100mL solution that you prepared

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