27 Nov 2019

<p>In geological systems, the element P is released as&#8220;phosphate&#8221; during rock weathering. It formsthe singly, doubly and triply protonated weak acid,<em>phosphoric acid</em>, in solution.</p>
<p>The chemical form of dissolved phosphate in waters isalways partitioned between various &#8220;species&#8221; ofphosphoric acid:H<span>3</span>PO<span>4</span>,H<span>2</span>PO<span>4- </span>,HPO<span>42-</span>, PO<span>43-</span>,according to the equilibrium constants below:</p>
<p><span>H</span>3<span>PO</span>4&lt;--&gt;&#160;<span>H</span>2<span>PO</span>4-<span>+ H</span>+<span style="white-space: pre;"></span>K= 10^-2.1</p>
<p><span>H</span>2<span>PO</span>4-&lt;--&gt;<span>&#160;</span><span>HPO</span>42-<span>+ H</span>+<span style="white-space: pre;"></span>K= 10^-7.4</p>
<p><span>HPO</span>42-&lt;--&gt;&#160;<span><strong>PO</strong></span><strong>43-</strong><span>+ H</span>+<spanstyle="white-space: pre;"> </span>K=10^-12.4</p>
<p>(1.1) In a local alpine lake, geochemical measurementsshow that the <strong>total </strong>concentration ofphosphate species is 10<span>-4 </span>moles/liter(also known as 100 micromolar). <strong>Determine the pH atwhich[H</strong><span><strong>2</strong></span><strong>PO</strong><span><strong>4-</strong></span><strong>]and[HPO</strong><span><strong>42-</strong></span><strong>]are each approximately half of the total P insolution</strong>.<span> </span>Show how you knowthis using an equation.</p>
<p>(1.2) <strong>Now make a full &#8220;speciationdiagram&#8221; </strong>(similar to the one forH<span>2</span>S orH<span>2</span>CO<span>3 </span>done inclass) for H<span>3</span>PO<span>4</span>.Use this diagram to show the dominant form of phosphate as afunction of pH (i.e. how it changes fromH<span>3</span>PO<span>4 </span>toH<span>2</span>PO<span>4- </span>toHPO<span>42- </span>etc. as pH increases. Your y-axiswill be log [P]<span>T </span>and your x-axis is pH,and remember that [P]<span>T </span>was given as10<span>-4 </span>moles/liter in part(1.1).<span> </span>Show the pH and concentration ofthe two most abundant phosphate species at every&#8220;cross-over&#8221; point (where a&#8220;cross-over&#8221; point on these diagrams is wherewe see a shift from one dominant form of phosphate to another). Youcan make this diagram by hand; it is also ok to use exceletc.</p>
<p>(1.3) The lake pH is measured to be<strong>8</strong>. Estimate how much<strong>PO</strong><span><strong>43-</strong></span>should be dissolved in the water?(Hint: you&#8217;ll need to do a calculation, but first figureout what the most abundant form of phosphorous is at pH 8 and makea good guess about its concentration to use). Your calculationshould agree with your diagram.</p>
<p>(1.4) The concentration of Ca<span>2+</span>in the lake is 10<span>-5</span>M (10micromoles/liter). Would you expect the mineral hydroxyapatite(<strong>Ca</strong><span><strong>5</strong></span><strong>(PO</strong><span><strong>4</strong></span><strong>)</strong><span><strong>3</strong></span><strong>OH</strong>)to be supersaturated and precipitate from the lake, or ishydroxyapatite undersaturated? You need to know that theK<span>sp </span>of the hydroxyapatite(Ca<span>5</span>(PO<span>4</span>)<span>3</span>OH)is 10<span>-60 </span>and remember the pH of the lakeis 8 (so you can calculate the [OH<span>-</span>]concentration remembering that the K for water is10<span>-14</span>).</p>

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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
12 Sep 2019

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