17 Nov 2019

I am having trouble with absorbance and conentration. can someone help me with this homework question? if you could explain each step so that I conuld do it again on my own that would be fantastic. THANKS!

4. You make the following 5 CuSO4 * 5H2O solutions using a 100.00 mL volumetric flask and the data given in the table below.

a. calculate the molarity of each solution

b. using the equation, calculate the absorbance for each solution A=-log(%T/100)

c. use excel to create a calibration curve (a graph of absorbance vs concentration), for this data set. Keep in kind the concentration is the independent variable and the absorbance is the dependant. include the equation for the linea nd R2 value on the graph as well as all exes labels and graph title. attach graph to assignment

d. write your equation for your linear regression and R2 value from your graph in the previous problem.

e. using your calibration curve, calculate the number of grams used to make a 1000.0 ml solution of CuSO4 * 5H2O if the absorbance of this solution was found to be 0.0643.

f. could this calibration curve be used to determine the absorbance of 6.45 x10^3M CuSO4 * 5H2O. Why or why not?

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
30 Jan 2019

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