
Choose the correct answer

32. An essential element of a lease isthat the

a. lessor conveys less than his or her totalinterest in the property.

b. lessee provides a sinking fund equal to oneyear’s lease payments.

c. property that is the subject of the leaseagreement must be held for sale by the lessor prior to the draftingof the lease agreement.

d. term of the lease is substantially equal to theeconomic life of the leased property.

33. What impact does a bargainpurchase option have on the present value of the minimum leasepayments computed by the lessee?

a. There is no impact as the option does not enterinto the transaction until the end of the lease term.

b. The lessee must increase the present value of theminimum lease payments by the present value of the optionprice.

c. The lessee must decrease the present value of theminimum lease payments by the present value of the optionprice.

d. The minimum lease payments would be increased bythe present value of the option price if, at the time of the leaseagreement, it appeared certain that the lessee would exercise theoption at the end of the lease and purchase the asset at the optionprice.

34. The methods of accounting for alease by the lessee are

a. operating and capital lease methods.

b. operating, sales, and capital lease methods.

c. operating and leveraged lease methods.

d. None of these answers are correct.

35. Which of the following is a correct statement of one of thecapitalization criteria?

a. The lease transfers ownership of the property tothe lessor.

b. The lease contains a purchase option.

c. The lease term is equal to or more than 75% ofthe estimated economic life of the leased property.

d. The minimum lease payments (excluding executorycosts) equal or exceed 90% of the fair value of the leasedproperty.

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
28 Sep 2019
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