PNUR-124 Study Guide - Final Guide: Extracellular Fluid, Fluid Compartments, Semipermeable Membrane

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11 May 2023

Document Summary

Week 10: fluid and electrolyte management: fluid balance overview, water, the primary component of body fluids (60% of adult weight, a medium for metabolic reactions within cells. Intracellular (fluid within a cell: extracellular (fluid outside the cell) Intravascular fluid (in blood vessels in the form of plasma or serum) Inhibits renin secretion, and block aldosterone: promote na+ and water loss and cause vasodilation, gi system. Infant and growing children: greater fluid turnover; higher metabolic rate increases fluid loss. Immature kidney; less able to conserve water than adult kidneys: responds to illness with temp and duration; increase insensible fluid losses, older adults: Imbalances: fluid volume excess, when the body retains more water than body needs requirement. It is excess fluid in the extracellular space (ecf)/intravascular spaces (hypervolemia); interstitial spaces = edema: occurs when both water and sodium are retained in the body. (chf, liver cirrhosis, excess iv fluids : 0. 9%ns or ringers solution)