BME 5002 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Humber College, Business Opportunity, Statistical Hypothesis Testing

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13 Mar 2023

Document Summary

Case studies 4 x 10% each = 40% Business research = application of the scientific method in searching for the truth about business phenomena. Basic = more general, pure research; not to solve a specific problem. Scientific method as it applies to business research. Prior knowledge and observations create a hypothesis. Assess - diagnose and assess problems and opportunities. Plan of action - select and implement a course of action. Evaluation research - formal, objective measurement of how well the intended outcome was achieved b. Performance monitoring research - regularly or routinely providing feedback re: a particular business activity or performance. Researcher provides elaborate interpretations of phenomena without depending on quantitative or numerical measurement/responses (for example, interviewing people that have just finished watching a movie at a premiere, or asking people to describe their experience open endedly) Focused on finding insights and the true inner meaning. Better in natural settings (after a movie, or exit poll at elections)