CSB329H1 Lecture Notes - Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, Bone Marrow, Syngenic

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25 Apr 2022

Document Summary

Self renew and differentiate into ll mature blood types of blood system. Produce important cells and not long lived. 120 days need new blood cells. 500 billion a day. Precise regulation of type of blood cell produced. 10000 hscs in bone marrow but 1000 are contributing to haematopoeises others are quiescient. G0 phase and do not enter cell cycle. Protects long term ability to reconstitute haematopoiesis, protect cell population. Too much division can result in accumulating mutations and not continue to produce the right numbers. First 2 bone marrow transplants 1959: in leukemia patients. Did not respond to chemo (standard of treatment). Whole body irradiation (kill leukemic cancer cells). Bone marrow of twin did graft and produce new immune cells. No graft vs host disease since twins are identical. Later work found that allogenic transplants possible if patient and donor are hla matched and figured out how to better target leukemic cells before transplant. Human leukocyte antigen code histocompatibility complex (mhc).