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Browse the full collection of course materials, past exams, study guides and class notes for CSE 1010 - Introduction to Computing for Engineers at University of Connecticut …
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Joseph Johnson
Jeff Meunier
Ahmad Jbara

Verified Documents for Jeff Meunier

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Microcontroller
Cse 1010 - introduction to computer science and engineering. There is no textbook for this class. We will use an arduino kit a few times this semester.
CSE 1010 Lecture 1: CSE1010- Lecture 1; Course Intro
CSE 1010 Lecture 2: CSE 1010 - Lecture 2 - Python
Cse 1010 - introduction to computer science and engineering. A basic programming language that is very easy to use and have many features. We will be u
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Fall 2018 Lecture 4 - Assignment (computer science)
Cse 1010 - introduction to computer science and engineering. A list is a compound data type. Contains values of other types of data. A way to store mor
CSE 1010 Lecture 4: CSE1010- Lecture 4; Lists
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Relational Operator
Cse 1010 - introduction to computer science and engineering. True and false are the only boolean values. The type is shown as <class bool"> A boolean v
CSE 1010 Lecture 5: CSE1010- Lecture 5; Boolean Values and if Statements
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Boolean Expression
Else: alternate: activates if the previous expression fails. Check condition 1: if true, do consequent1 and skip the rest, if false, defer to the alter
CSE 1010 Lecture 6: CSE1010- Lecture 6; More if Statements
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: While Loop, Boolean Expression
Cse 1010 - introduction to computing for engineers. The alternative of an if statement (the else statement) will also need its own if statement, and if
CSE 1010 Lecture 7: CSE 1010 - Lecture 7 - For Loops
Cse 1010 - introduction to computing for engineers. If guess < num: print(cid:383)(cid:361)too low(cid:362)(cid:384) elif guess > num: print(cid:383)(c
CSE 1010 Lecture 7: CSE1010- Lectures 7 & 8; While Loops and Example
CSE 1010 Lecture 7: while loops, indeterminate iterations, and for loops
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: 5,6,7,8
Cse 1010 - introduction to computing for engineers. Example generating a list of 10 random numbers with each number being within the range 0 to 20: Let
CSE 1010 Lecture 8: while loops, for loops
CSE 1010 Lecture 9: CSE 1010 - Lecture 9 - User-Defined Functions
Cse 1010 - introduction to computing for engineers. A way to group statements together and give them a name. Usually, you don"t refer to a recipe by it
CSE 1010 Lecture 9: Functions, User defined functions, Multiparameter functions, Named arguments, Default arguments
Functions are a way to group statements together and give them a name: after writing a function to solve a problem you can recall it in other programs
CSE 1010 Lecture 9: CSE1010- Lecture 9; Hand-tracing a while loop
CSE 1010 Lecture 10: Return statement
CSE 1010 Lecture 10: CSE1010- Lecture 10; Number guessing
CSE 1010 Lecture 10: CSE 1010 - Lecture 10 - Return Values
Cse 1010 - introduction to computing for engineers. A function may return a value to the caller: The function returns the length of the string and incl
CSE 1010 Lecture 11: CSE 1010 - Lecture 11 - Nested Loops
Cse 1010 - lecture 11 - introduction to computing for engineers. Arduino stuff is not on exam, it will only be python. Before we start learning about n
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Justin Bieber
CSE 1010 Lecture 11: Nested Loops part 1
Farmer has to plant a seed in every square in a 4x3 acre eld. Change each square to a 1: go 1 row at a time, 1 square at a time per row. Store the eld
CSE 1010 Lecture 12: Nested Loops part 2, Refactoring
Rewriting the program to get rid of unnecessary parts of the program; improves the structure without changing the behavior: usually shortens the functi
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Functional Decomposition
Cse 1010 - introduction to computing for engineers. Row = field(rownum) row(colnum) = 1 print(cid:383)field, (cid:359)row =(cid:360), rownum, (cid:359)
CSE 1010 Lecture 13: Print function, Nested loops
CSE 1010 Lecture 13: CSE 1010 - Lecture 13 - Nested Loops Practice
CSE 1010 Lecture 14: CSE 1010 - Lecture 14 - Dictionaries
Cse 1010 - introduction to computing for engineers. Instead of having indexes like a list does, a dictionary is a container of key-value pairs. Similar
CSE 1010 Lecture 14: Python Dictionary, updating dictionary, dict.get(), empty dictionary, adding to dictionary, removing from dictionary
CSE 1010 Lecture 15: CSE 1010 - Lecture 15 - Midterm Exam Review
Cse 1010 - introduction to computing for engineers. No writing code, it"s all multiple choice. One 8. 5x11 notes sheet is allowed (double-sided) You do
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 15: Del
Numbers: ints and oats: int: truncates to a whole number (2. 1 > 2, 2. 9 > 2, oat: 16 digits past the decimal. Arithmetic: + - * / // : addition, subtr
CSE 1010 Lecture 17: Intro to object oriented programming (OOP) part 1
Start with data structures and ideas that lead up to oop. Oop is a style of programming using classes and instances: classes. Short for classi cation;
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Part Of Speech
CSE 1010 Lecture 18: Intro to object oriented programming (OOP) part 2, Object Oriented Programming, class, instance, method, instance variable, defining a class, __init__, constructor, self parameter, adding a method, calling a method
Intro to oop part 2 (part one: https://oneclass. com/class-notes/us/uconn/cse/ cse-1010/2216484-cse-1010-lecture-17. en. html) Does not display anythin
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Instance Variable, Init
Cse 1010 - introduction to computing for engineers. Representing a checking account (continued from last class): Create a function to withdraw money fr
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Init
Cse 1010 - introduction to computing for engineers. Add the withdraw method inside the bankaccount class: def withdraw(self, amount): if self. balance
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Local Variable, Init
When any method in a class is called, python places the instance that the method was called on into the self parameter variable. This is the unique ide
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Init
Cse 1010 - introduction to computing for engineers. Consider this class: class person: self. age = age def __init__(self, age): def getage(self): def p
CSE 1010 Lecture 21: Exceptions, debugging, if statement, assert statement, try statement
CSE 1010 Lecture 21: CSE 1010 - Lecture 21 - Exceptions
A function should return a correct value or it should not return at all. This does not mean that a function should intentionally get stuck in an unboun
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 22: Init, Social Security Number
Cse 1010 - introduction to computing for engineers. 2 amount = check. getamount() print( the amount is", amount) try: bal = source. withdraw(amount) se
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 23: Init
Cse 1010 - introduction to computing for engineers. Continuing the class: class checkingaccount (bankaccount): def writecheck(self, to, amount): def de
CSE 1010 Lecture 24: CSE 1010 - Lecture 24 - Lists and Tuples
Cse 1010 - introduction to computing for engineers. A list is a collection of values. Values in a list can be changed: A tuple is a collection of value
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 27: Iterator, Iter, Init
Cse 1010 - introduction to computing for engineers. Consider how a for loop works for var in collection : body of loop. For every element in collection
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 28: Iterator, Iter
Cse 1010 - introduction to computing for engineers. A generator is a special kind of iterator. It is created as a function that retains its local state
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 29: Iter, Iterator, Inex
Cse 1010 - introduction to computing for engineers. The square class can be rewritten like this: class square(shape): #the square class inherits both m