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Lawrence Jacobs
Robert Feels
Robert Foels

Verified Documents for Lawrence Jacobs

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
01:830:101 Lecture 1: Introduction to Psychology
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Monism, Psychological Science, Heredity
Chapter 1: what is psychology: psychology is practical. The goal of psychology is to understand, explain, and predict. What is psychology: psychology i
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Scientific Method, Toothpaste, Acne Vulgaris
It is almost impossible to prove that a claim or theory is true beyond a doubt: allows us to reach conclusions that are very likely to be true. Theory
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: The Blind Spot, Gestalt Psychology, Presbyopia
Ex. when you touch something, receptors send impulses that travel to spinal cord & then to the brain for interpretation. Sensation is the process by wh
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Musical Note, Puzzle Box, Cheeseburger
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Prenatal Development, Intellectual Disability
Female"s egg cells and male"s sperm cells each have (cid:884)(cid:885) chromosomes. The (cid:884)(cid:885)rd pair of chromosomes determines the baby"s
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Discrimination Learning, Classical Conditioning, Behaviorism
Chapter 6: learning: a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience. It is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, attitudes, or value
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Hermann Ebbinghaus, Long-Term Memory, Free Recall
Once a perception or thought is place into your memory, it stays there forever: what we call forgetting is either the inability to recall stored info,
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Unconscious Mind, Memory Disorder, Mnemonic
Chapter 7: memory: the key to using your memory is that your brain never loses anything. Once a perception or thought is place into your memory, it sta
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Stroop Effect, Attentional Blink, Fidgeting
Cognition refers to thinking, acquiring, and managing knowledge. Attention is the tendency to respond selectively to stimuli. It is generally true that
01:830:101 Lecture 8: Notes #1
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Christmas Music, Classical Conditioning, Bee Sting
The definition of learning is: research, or teaching, which causes a permanent and measurable change in behavior. A process of acquiring knowledge, ski
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Motivation, Overjustification Effect, Lateral Hypothalamus
Motivation videos: drive theories, they are goal directed behaviors. If an individual varies the behavior and persists until reaching a goal, it is a m
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Source Amnesia, Mnemonic, Sigmund Freud
The method of loci is one of the oldest mnemonic devices. First, learn a list of places, such as my desk, the door of my room, the corridor, . then lin
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Metacognition, Stomach Cancer, Critical Thinking
Refers to thinking , acquiring and managing knowledge. Language is intimately related to the activities of cognition. It is a system of arbitrary symbo
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Circadian Rhythm, Bereitschaftspotential, Blindsight
Consciousness - the subjective experience of perceiving one"s self and other entities. Decreases in brain activity typically follow the decline. The na
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Operant Conditioning Chamber, Operant Conditioning, Behaviorism
Psychological principle that states that behaviors that result in satisfying consequences. Example: basketball players have a preferred method of shoot
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Reinforcement, Saccharin, Operant Conditioning
Positive reinforcements are events that increases the likelihood that a response will continue to be repeated. Example: a waiter receives an extra larg
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Parasympathetic Nervous System, Sympathetic Nervous System, Autonomic Nervous System
Emotion: emotions are significant and crucial parts of our experience, emotion is an elusive construct, hard to define and measure. We would make bette
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Hermann Ebbinghaus, Free Recall, Procedural Memory
Memory is a general term for the storage, retention and recall of events, information and procedures. Memory is a process by which we store, save, and
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Fritz Heider, Lawrence Kohlberg, Aversive Racism
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Unconsciousness, Circadian Rhythm, Bereitschaftspotential
Customer service is not a department, it"s an attitude! Everything we need for a full life is already within us. You can have an exceptional life in th
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Josef Breuer, Unconscious Mind, Oedipus Complex
Personality - a unique, core set of characteristics that influence the way one thinks, acts, and feels, and that are relatively consistent and enduring
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Rapid Eye Movement Sleep, Sleep Deprivation, Rapideye
Sleep saves energy: mammals and birds lower their body temperature, animals decrease muscle activity. Sleep helps restorative functions in the brain: s
01:830:101 Lecture 14: Chapter 15: Abnormal Psychology
Psychological disorder - a set of behavioral, emotional, and cognitive symptoms that are significantly distressing and disabling in terms of social fun
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Motivation, Overjustification Effect, Junk Food
Is derived from the same root as . Is a state of unrest or irritation that energizes one behavior after. If an individual varies the behavior and persi
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Parasympathetic Nervous System, Sympathetic Nervous System, Autonomic Nervous System
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Walter Bradford Cannon, Facial Expression, Startle Response
Walter cannon and phillip bard questioned the james-lange theory and proposed that an emotion-triggering stimulus and the body"s arousal take place sim
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Positive Psychology, Arnold Lazarus, Hans Selye
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Clark L. Hull, Amygdala, Hypothalamus
The amygdala is a complex structure adjacent to the. The amygdala is involved in processing emotions and fear-learning. It links areas of the cortex th
01:830:101 Lecture 20: Exam 3 Prep_ Part 2
The theory of motivation we used was the drive reduction theory. the drive reduction theory is something that motivates one to move, get things accompl
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 22: Value Proposition, Psy, Lawrence Kohlberg
Social psy is the branch of psy concerned with the way individuals" thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by others. Focus is on the individ
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Fritz Heider, Ambivalent Sexism, Aversive Racism
Social perception and cognition and remember information about others, and to make inferences and judgments based on that . Is the principle that the f
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 25: Eye Contact, Groupthink, Stanley Milgram
We are likely to become friends with people who live near us and. Persuasion and manipulation: throughout your life you will make decisions about matte
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 26: Unconscious Mind, Psychosexual Development, Personality Development
In his clinical practice, freud encountered patients suffering from nervous disorders. Freud"s clinical experience led him to develop the first compreh
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 27: Reality Principle, Gender Role, Humanistic Psychology
The most primitive structure of the mind, the activities of which occur at the. The structure of the mind that uses the reality principle to manipulate
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 28: Philippe Pinel, Running Amok, Demonic Possession
A set of behavioral, emotional, and cognitive symptoms that are significantly distressing and disabling in terms of social functioning, work endeavors,
01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 29: Family Therapy, Abraham Maslow, Brief Psychotherapy
L of psychoanalysis is to resolve psychological problems by bringing to awareness the unconscious thought processes that created the difficulty. Analys