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Browse the full collection of course materials, past exams, study guides and class notes for COMM 292 - Management and Organizational Behaviour at University of British Columbia …
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Svedic, Zorana

Verified Documents for Svedic, Zorana

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
COMM 292 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Visible Minority, Organizational Culture, Interpersonal Communication
Syllabus is on canvas front page (outlining all course evaluation and content) Ob: field of study that looks at the impact that individuals, groups, an
COMM 292 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Microsoft Powerpoint
Competing values framework: helps us identify some of the most useful skills, by classifying them in the dimensions of internal-external and flexibilit
COMM 292 Lecture 4: Personality
COMM 292 Lecture 5: Values
COMM 292 Lecture 6: Groups and Teamwork
Group: 2 or more members with a common relationship, act as individuals. Team: 2 or more members with mutual goals, act as a cohesive unit with shared
COMM 292 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Theory X And Theory Y
Procrastination is something that affects everyone and requires motivation to overcome. Classical theories: theory x: people are extrinsically motivate
COMM 292 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Job Enrichment, Job Rotation, Telecommuting
COMM 292 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Proxemics, Paralanguage, Kinesics
Key parts of this model are (1) the sender (2) encoding. Sender initiates a message by encoding a thought. (3) the message. The actual physical product
COMM 292 Lecture 12: Conflict and Negotiation
Conflict: process involving people disagreeing: functional conflict: constructive, supports the group"s goals, conflict is aimed at the issues, dysfunc