L07 Chem 481 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Coiled Coil, Conformational Isomerism, Protein Folding

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14 September 2016
Lecture 7: Protein Tertiary and Quaternary
I. Proteins
A. Tertiary and Quaternary Protein Structure
1. Basics
a. 3° structure = global conformation including side chain rotamers, 3D structure
b. Can be shown as space filling model with surfaces and shape
Or as a backbone trace representation with just -carbons
Backbone + side chain representation (no actual space, filled with side chains)
Ribbon structure
c. Quaternary structure is when multiple polypeptides assemble to larger complex
Often shown in tube structure to show the difference between subunits
d. Proteins are classified according to shape and solubility
Shape: fibrous vs globular proteins
Solubility: soluble or membrane
e. Fibrous proteins have elongated filaments, most of the polypeptide chain is organized
approximately parallel to a single axis
Fibrous proteins are usually insoluble in water (form large aggregates)
Usually play a structural role in nature (both inside and outside cells)
Aggregation and size make them insoluble
f. Globular proteins are folded into shape, most are soluble in the cytoplasm (“cytoplasmic
soluble proteins”)
Many membrane proteins are similar in globular shape actually
2. -Keratin
a. Found in hair, fingernails, claws, horns, beaks
b. Sequence consists of 311-314 residue -helical rod segments capped with non-helical N-
and C-termini (non-helical domains)
Primary structure of helical rods consists of 7-residue repeats (a-b-c-d-e-f-g, where a
and d are nonpolar)
Interactions among a and d positions promote association of helices
c. helix forms coiled coil of two -helices, then a protofilament (pair of coiled coils), and
finally a filament (four right handed twisted protofibrils)
The rod domains form coiled coils consisting of intertwined right handed -helices
The coiled coils then wind around each other in a left-handed twist
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