BIO 203 Lecture Notes - Lecture 37: Notochord, Chromosome, Morphogen

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Egg to adult: development in two examples, drosophila and xenopus. Development- process in which an organism grows from a single-celled beginning into an adult consisting of many cells (thousands or millions of cells) We are going to examine development in one arthropod (ecdysozoa) and one the signals? amphibian (deuterostome). In the amphibian we will keep track of which cells grow into the different parts of the adult. In the arthropod we will keep track of patterns of gene expression. First we need to revisit some cell basics. List 5 activities of a somatic cell: cellular respiration, metabolizing, homeostasis, using resources (oxygen & sugar, cell division (replication, communicating (sending & receiving signals, eliminate waste (metabolic processes, moving, growing. There are some things a cell can do that are particularly important during development: proliferation, cell death, migration, differentiation particular types of cells (nerve cell, epithelial cell) Differentiation process where undifferentiated cells (stem cells) grow into.