BIOS 111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 30: Hospital-Acquired Infection, Methicillin, Aureus

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1 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Bios 111 disease of the day - staphylococcus aureus lecture 30 (3/31/17) Bacteria is in the nose and gets on hands that way and spreads on skin then gets into blood. Infected hair follicle leads to pimple leads to boil. Hard to treat with antibiotics because the boil isn"t in the bloodstream. Fungal spores get pigment because of traveling through the air and being in the sunlight/uv radiation. We made mutants of s. aureus without the pigmentation and compared them to the pigmented ones. The s. aureus was injected into mice and it was found that the colorless: aureus were 50x less virulent. Yellow pigmentation protects the bacteria from highly reactive chlorine molecules from the macrophage. One of the primary culprits for skin infections. Penicillin was extremely effective, then the s. aureus developed penicillinase. We then started using methicillin, but it"s gotten resistant to that too.