CHEM 4214 Lecture 20: 2016_3_7 Lecture

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22 Mar 2016

Document Summary

Recap in this case, it is more energetically favorable to phase separate function of phi and t fix t --> plot against phi spinnodal in this region, unstable for sure binodal curve metastable critical point. Two different kinetics in red region, nucleation + growth. Kinetics set by nucleation barrier (see blue part of red metastable graph) if have system and lower t into metastable point, Chem4212 polymers page 1 bubbles grow out but if lower t but go through critical point (don"t pass through metastable region), then intrinsically unstablephase separation everywhere spinodal decomposition. Generate bi-continuous structures network forms then coalesces, becomes larger globules, then eventually phase separates. If have polymer (n2) + solvent (n1 = 1) when have very long polymer, don"t dissolve anything increase n2. Chem4212 polymers page 3 decays faster than gravitational force (r2) assuming here that r12 = r11 = r22 solvent and molecule are same distance from each other.