MCD BIO 165A Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Confocal Microscopy, Cycloheximide, Green Fluorescent Protein

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Mcdb 165a -- take home quiz 5 rizzo et al (2013), journal of cell biology: when the mani-fm is in the pellet form, it means that it is a polymer and when the. Mani-fm is in the supernatant form, it is a monomer. Mani-fm play different roles in the model that is being presented. Therefore, it is important to know where the two different forms of the mani-fm are present in the golgi complex. The main result of the experiment was that when the ap was washed out, the. Mani-fm polymerized and when the ap was added back into the mani-fm, they were depolymerized back into monomers. This experiment therefore clearly shows the role that. Ap plays in the polymerization and depolymerization of the mani-fm: since cycloheximide is a translational inhibitor, it inhibits the synthesis of new proteins.