BIO SCI 97 Lecture 6: Lecture 6 Notes

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Design an experimental test and collect data. Analyze the results and compare them to the predictions from the hypothesis. Also used: selection of traits with distinguishable phenotypes. Phenotype - characteristic that can be seen on the outside. Dominant/ recessive - one trait is more common than the other. In regards to peas, color, shape, and height are all phenotypes. When a pure breeding white flower is crossed with a pure breeding purple flower, all the offspring are purple, so therefore purple is dominant only one set of chromosomes. Punnett square - used to predict the genotypes of a particular cross. Diploid/ haploid - diploid means two sets of chromosomes in the cell, haploid means. P-value - determines whether we can accept or reject the hypothesis. Genotype - genetic constitution of an individual. Homozygous/ heterozygous - homozygous means two of the same alleles, while. Back cross/ test cross heterozygous will have two different alleles (one dominant and one recessive)