BIO SCI 93 Lecture Notes - Lecture 27: Gene Therapy, Cloning Vector, Protein Production

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BIO SCI 93 Full Course Notes
BIO SCI 93 Full Course Notes
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The manipulation of organisms and their components to make useful products. Dna sequencing depended on advances in technology starting with recombinant dna. In recombinant dna, nucleotide sequences from 2 different sources (usually 2 species) are combined into the same dna molecule. The production of multiple copies of a gene. Most methods for cloning dna share general features such as the use of bacteria and their plasmids. Plasmids: small circular dna molecules that replicate separately from bacterial chromosome. Cloned genes are useful for making copies of a particular gene and producing a protein product. Cloning a eukaryotic gene in a bacterial plasmid. Dna molecule that can carry foreign dna into a host cell and replicate there. Using restriction enzymes to make recombinant dna. Bacteria restriction enzymes cut dna molecules at specific dna sequences called restriction sites. Cut in staggered way, producing fragments with sticky ends (bond complementary to sticky ends of the other fragments) *different restriction enzymes cut at different sites!