BIO SCI 93 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Cell Signaling, Plant Hormone, Cytosol

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BIO SCI 93 Full Course Notes
BIO SCI 93 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Cell signaling mechanisms have been highly conserved. *occurs at the cell surface most of the time* Signal receptors ect contact ular signals- cell ace signals) ast due to short distance* l junctions. Growth factors- junctions) and animals (plasmodesm ata) Neurotransmitter substances dissolve in the cytosol and pass freely between the cells l-cell recognition. Interaction between molecules protruding from the surface. Important during development and for immune response s- synaptic signaling. Faster and more specific than paracrine signaling. *hard to send signals through cell wall in plants; must use a different mechanisms (hormones)* tant. Travels in circulator y system nal (ligand) binds to receptor inducing change ocation or shape of receptor ceptors. Ligand binds to g protein linked receptor, activating it. G protein becomes activated as it bind to the g protein linked receptor. Then the g protein binds to an enzyme, changing its shape and activating it, sending a cell response osine kinase receptors (tkrs)