BIO SCI 93 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Electronegativity, Emergence, Disulfide

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BIO SCI 93 Full Course Notes
BIO SCI 93 Full Course Notes
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4- carbon and the molecular diversity of life. Wohler is astonished in making organic compound, urea, from ammonium ions and cyanate ions (but why?) Isomers- compounds that have the same numbers of atoms of the same elements but different structures and different properties. Cis-isomers- differ in arrangement about a double bond (due to the inflexibility of double bonds) Enantiomers- differ in spatial arrangement around an asymmetric carbon (mirror image: organisms are sensitive to even the most subtle variations in molecular architecture, molecules have emergent properties dependent on the arrangement of atoms. Large variation in arrangement: branching, length double bonds, ring structures. Ketone- carbonyl group is w/in the carbon skeleton (ketoses- sugars with ketoses) Aldehyde- carbonyl group is at the end of the carbon skeleton (aldoses- sugars with aldehyde) Ketones and aldehydes can be structural isomers with different properties. Acts as an acid because of highly polar covalent bond between o and h.