BIO SCI 55 Lecture 2: Introduction to Ecology-Lecture Two

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Currently growing and catching up to thailand despite a mix between capitalism and communism (similar to what you see in china). Garbage is all over the third world, even in front of house. There are also a lot of pesticides in. Vietnam that decreases the value of the vegetable. The chinese are especially exploiting the forests here. Long rectangular homes usually belong to chinese-vietnamese and are generally regarded as a symbol of wealth. Question 1: effectively the population of the u. s. is much larger than the population of kenya. Question 3: what does it mean to say that when we talk about conservation issues we cannot talk just about biology? (the problems begin in social, cultural or economic realms. We address these issues by looking at the biological ramifications of said social problems, when we should address the social problems that began these in the first place).