BIO SCI 38 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Brain Stimulation Reward, Toxoplasma Gondii, Problem Gambling

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Why is he or she doing that: psychology: study of the mind, neuroscience: biology of the mind. Leonardo da vinci: got an ox head/brain turned it upside down, there was a hole where spinal cord ends. Poured wax in it and found holes in it. Important for brain function but not really for psychological processes: what we think is important is often what we can see, did the same for humans. Brain in pump that pumps fluid to body. Rene descartes: idea that mind/soul came from tiny pineal gland. Only one of it in the middle of the brain. Houses the soul and brain executes stuff: dualism mind and brain are separate entities, decartes the soul controls the brain from its seat in the pineal. Thomas hobbes: materialism mind comes from brain. Franz gall: things like psychological processes come from different parts of the brain, phrenology bumps on skull reflects psychology due to localized brain swelling .