BIO 326 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Cursorial, Metathorax, Pterostigma

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Body is divided into three regions known as tagmata. Head is anterior 3 segments that function together. Thorax is the middle region 3 segments. Abdomen is posterior number of segments is more variable among taxa, up to 11 segments. Drosophila has been the model organism for much of genomic research on insects. Tagmata form through process of tagmosis, which is controlled by seven homeotic genes. Ancestrally, arthropods are believed to have had segments (metamerism) and generalized limbs. Body regions arose in myriapod-like organisms, primitive insects (why?) Modern insect body regions are highly derived with 5 metameres in the head, 3 in the thorax, and 11 in the abdomen. Ingestion of food we"ll talk about mouthparts today. Sensory perception (e. g. , eyes, antennae) early oct. Made up of hardened plates separated by sutures formed from fused segments and invaginated ridges. The most basic types of insect mouthparts are for chewing.