BIO 208 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Skeletal Muscle, Stretch Reflex, Sciatic Nerve

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20 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Bridges the two hemispheres of the human brain. Executes commands by sending timed commands to muscles. Makes repairs adjustments to muscle tone and body position to maintain balance and equilibrium. Fine tunes detailed voluntary and ballistic movement. In sport competition, one will want to isolate cerebellar programmed movement from cerebral control. Direct involuntary moro reflexes to sudden auditory or visual stimuli. Links cerebellum with diencephalon, midbrain, cerebrum, spinal cord. Connects the spinal cord to the brain. Switching and relay system that integrates conscious and unconscious muscles. Final relay point for sensory input (except olfactory) Coordinates voluntary and involuntary motor output to. Associated with rage, pleasure, pain, thirst, hunger, etc. Maintains normal body temperature at a set point. Pns consists of all the neural tissue outside of the brain and spinal cord. Links the neurons of the cns to the body carries information to. Cns and commands back from the cns to rest body via nerves.