BIO 200 Lecture Notes - Lecture 31: Insular Biogeography, Krakatoa, Robert Macarthur

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In ten years, there were 85 species: coconuts float over oceans and grow into coconut trees on the island, coconut trees create forests, which are homes to birds. In 25 years, there were 243 species: dense forests, many birds. In 50 years, there were 47 species of vertebrates: few new species of birds were observed, a huge number of species now inhabits anak krakatau, no large mammals, animal diversity is levelling off, plant diversity is still increasing. The theory of island biogeography: developed by robert macarthur and e. o. wilson, the ways in which plants and animals distribute themselves in a new environment, species number is defined by two forces, immigration: number of species arriving. Decreases over time: species cannot colonize anymore, resources are all accounted for, extinction: number of species that die. Larger islands support a higher number of species. S* is lower on large islands: degree of isolation affects immigration rate.